Sunday, 26 July 2020

Butterfly count in the Garden

Our volunteer Nicola participated in the Big Butterfly Count (17 July - 9 August) for the Empty Common Community Garden and sent us some lovely photos. We also got a report from Audrey. Thank you for doing this on behalf of the Garden.

Nicola's visit on 19 July
We did count butterflies this morning. we counted all the butterflies we saw in a 15 minute period and completed 3 counts in the time that I was there. I have uploaded the results to the website. Unfortunately it was mostly cloudy with short sunny periods and there were not many butterflies out but we did see a total of 10 butterflies.
1 peacock
1 meadow brown
1 red admiral
3 gate keepers
1 ringlet
2 small whites
1 large white

Audrey's visit on 19 July
2 butterflies,  large white and a gatekeeper.

Nicola's second visit on 22 July
Large white 19
small white 3
ringlet 2
brimstone 1
gate keeper 4
small blue 1
comma 1