Friday, 4 February 2022

A new year - gathering in the garden and bird count

An outdoor gathering by the fire pit

The year 2022 has started with some uncertainty regarding Covid and with very changeable weather, from mild to frosty. On Sunday 23 January, Transition Cambridge organised a winter gathering around the firepit at the Garden. 

The Christmas gathering had to be postpoined because of Covid regulations, so the idea of having an outdoor gathering with baked potatoes and mulled wine was heart warming. Luckily the weather was kind and covid regulations allowed open-air gatherings, so the gathering went ahead. The pictures say it all. Click on a photo to enlarge it and view the rest in a slideshow... With sincere thanks to Transition Cambridge for sharing them.

A bird count also occurred towards the end of January, but because it was very busy, there were few birds. The count was repeated but birds still proved elusive, which is uncommon as the Garden is very popular with wildlife
. Ben counted 1 robin, 1 pigeon and 2 blackbirds. This was a bit disappointing but let's bear in mind that as the weather improves, more people are keen to get out and about, and there are more cyclists using the track at the back. Perhaps the birds are making the most of the hours of the morning and evenings when not many people are about. 

More photos of the gathering are below. A belated Happy New Year from us!