Sunday, 16 October 2022

October at ECCG and exciting hut updates - please donate!

The ECCG this month


Autumn is in full swing but the garden is still so green and pleasant. There has been great progress with the meeting hut, a true labour of love with plenty of recycling of materials... We have a lovely indoor/outdoor feature involving bottles, they look like precious jewels and sparkle in the sun.

We are fundraising for more improvements, please visit our page here.


Inside the meeting hut, John and Charlotte have been busy making it cosy. There is now a kitchenette and a kettle! We do have an outdoor kettle powered by twigs and it will still come out but think of raining days in the hut, workshops and all-day events (we do have a compost toilet already).

The roof has solar panels but they are proving to be a challenge to instal. Thank you so much to all the volunteers, people and companies who donated to make this project possible. We could not have done it with you - a big thank to Charlotte and her team of builders for making this happen. We are all excited about the future.

If you read this and are not a member, leave a comment with your email and we will subscribe you to our gmail group. Or you can contact Charlotte. 

We also gratefully accept donations in money and kind. Contact Charlotte if you'd like to help. - tel. 07752 143683.