Saturday, 11 October 2014

A growing space... come and join us!

Where we are, courtesy of Google Maps - click to magnify map

The Empty Common Community Garden is a real “growing space” – growing physically, growing in the number of gardeners who are getting involved and, last but not least, growing in funding.

We had support from the City Council team in establishing drainage and tackling other big jobs. The perennial planting areas have had rubbish, horsetail and brambles removed and is now ready for our crops. The play area has been cleared of rubbish, brambles and old tree stumps and has hazels planted along the fence to create a den-like feel and to demonstrate coppicing techniques in the future. Raised beds have been built to allow gardeners with disabilities or those who have difficulty bending to participate. They also look wonderful now they are planted with vegetables and flowers. A big thank-you to all the volunteers from charities and organisations who helped us so far.

We have also raised monetary donations and we welcome any support, financial and in goods (equipment, soil improver, etc). Thank you to all those who supported us.

There is a table and chairs to enjoy it all under the shade of a big tree and we do have bike parking too! In the next few months, we will be setting up a polytunnel to foster early germination of seeds and install a new shed. We hope to have a composting toilet soon, too!

Do come and join us at the garden on Sunday mornings from 10.30amYou can reach us through the black gate on the corner of Brooklands Avenue and Trumpington Road in Cambridge (see map above). We’re at the south end of the allotments. 

Contact Charlotte. Email: - tel. 07752 143683.

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