Welcome to autumn. The watering rota is no longer required now we get regular downpours, but we do get lovely sunny days now and then. On a beautiful sunny day, our volunteer and resident artist Rebecca placed this beautiful wooden sign by one of the access routes (you can glimpse the flag and the polytunnel behind it).
Covid has meant social distancing while gardening, so we have not had parties and get-togethers this year... There will be a talk about the garden in November to university's newcomers; we still want volunteers but of course we need to follow good practices to ensure safety and compliance (read more here). Do contact Charlotte if you want to join us - details are here.
The Sunflower poets met in the garden during the summer. Here's a lovely poem they wrote. Enjoy. Our garden is indeed an inspiring place.
Poetry in the Community Garden, Empty Common.
We came together in Apple Time
Shared golden light and
golden words
Passed from heart to soul
Amidst the trees protecting us,
Waving their branches.
Burnt orange nasturtiums
Purple kale
Fluttering cabbage white
butterfly wings
Floating all around
guardian sunflowers watch on.
Golden sun, blue skies
Green earth,
Emerald grass strokes
Between our toes.
Herbs delicately perfume the
The oak tree invites child’s
Soft breeze rustling through
the leaves
Rowan red berries
Bending on the bough
Fruits ripen, gifts offered
for our delight
Earth waits patiently to be toiled
By loving hands
and clanking of bicycles
The Gaia flag blows
Grey and white birds
Make their way home
Softly we came
Softly we spoke
Softly we leave
Having shared our poems
In this sacred space.